Once the download of "SonicStageInstaller.exe" is completed, please follow the steps below to install to the SonicStage on your computer. Note: Do not make the system go into a suspend, sleep, and hibernation mode during the download. If the file size is not the same as the file size showing above, try to download the file again. After the download is completed, select - in the Explorer to check the file size.Follow the instructions on-screen dialog box.) (The download of above file will be started, clicking "I accept" button below this page. Download the following file on the folder created at Step2.Assume the folder is named "ss_dl" and it is made in C drive. Set up the folder for storing the downloaded file on your hard disk.Please follow the steps below to download the SonicStageInstaller.

And you must log on with the user name "Administrators" or "Power Users" to use the SonicStage software.

You must log on as "Administrators" to install the SonicStage software. * For Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 3 or later) To install this software, you must log on with a user name with "Computer Administrators" as an attribute. * For Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 / Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 / Windows XP Media Center Edition / Windows XP Professional / Windows XP Home Edition It will take quite a bit of time depending on the Internet environment. The installation time is 4~10 minutes approx. The installed file will differ depending on your PC environment. (When executing "SonicStageInstaller, Internet connection will be needed.) After executing "SonicStageInstaller", only the files needed for your computer will be downloaded and then SonicStage will be installed.